

是不是梅林二街的美食都吃膩了呢?不想天天吃Uncle Laymen 雷蒙叔叔



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光亮一街周照子 寧夏店美式料理外送
男子想靠手術找回性福 丁立文:治療前應三思

Grifola frondosa

Mai Green Tea is a powerful blend of highest quality Maitake mushroom, a potent immune-enhancer, and top quality Japanese green tea (matcha), a powerful antioxidant.

金門街Piccolo Angolo角落咖啡館中式摒擋外送
健康新村二街Bear ONE零食外送
青田街SOMA 特調茶飲(永康店)SOMA Tea & Mocktail(Yongkang)印度料理外送
田中路八方雲集 龍江店中式摒擋外送

Japanese Tea Specialty

即速采辦 DHL 5天快遞到台灣

Maitake Mushroom

Green Tea

Over thousands of years, some mushrooms have been highly regarded as longevity herbs that preserve youth and maintain health. They have played an important role in the development of medicine. In fact, some mushrooms and herbs are still used as the basic ingredients for most medicines. Modern science has also discovered the medicinal properties in such mushrooms and herbs, while the development of drug chemistry has left the simple applications of traditional medicine behind. Now, let's go back to the basics. Enjoy the natural flavor and taste of the valuable gifts from the mother earth!

The green tea used in Mai Green Tea is premier "matcha" tea which is used in the traditional Japanese tea ceremony and claims the lowest content of caffeine.

Mai Green Tea uses highest quality Maitake mushrooms, grown in our bio-farm in Japan under stringent quality control standards. It is the same strain that has supported all major researches and studies.

 食物,百貨茶,草藥綠茶,茶包Mushroom Wisdom, 舞菇綠茶,20茶包,1、08盎司(30克)折價券, 食物,百貨茶,草藥綠茶,茶包Mushroom Wisdom, 舞菇綠茶,20茶包,1、08盎司(30克)哪裡買, 食品,百貨茶,草藥綠茶,茶包Mushroom Wisdom, 舞菇綠茶,20茶包,1、08盎司(30克)哪裡有, 食品,百貨茶,草藥綠茶,茶包Mushroom Wisdom, 舞菇綠茶,20茶包,1、08盎司(30克)新光三越, 食品,百貨茶,草藥綠茶,茶包Mushroom Wisdom, 舞菇綠茶,20茶包,1、08盎司(30克)大遠百, 食品,百貨茶,草藥綠茶,茶包Mushroom Wisdom, 舞菇綠茶,20茶包,1、08盎司(30克)板橋遠百, 食品,百貨茶,草藥綠茶,茶包Mushroom Wisdom, 舞菇綠茶,20茶包,1、08盎司(30克)麗寶百貨, 食品,百貨茶,草藥綠茶,茶包Mushroom Wisdom, 舞菇綠茶,20茶包,1、08盎司(30克)家樂福, 食物,百貨茶,草藥綠茶,茶包Mushroom Wisdom, 舞菇綠茶,20茶包,1、08盎司(30克)大潤發, 食物,百貨茶,草藥綠茶,茶包Mushroom Wisdom, 舞菇綠茶,20茶包,1、08盎司(30克)全聯, 食物,百貨茶,草藥綠茶,茶包Mushroom Wisdom, 舞菇綠茶,20茶包,1、08盎司(30克)宅配, 食物,百貨茶,草藥綠茶,茶包Mushroom Wisdom, 舞菇綠茶,20茶包,1、08盎司(30克)台中大遠百, 食物,百貨茶,草藥綠茶,茶包Mushroom Wisdom, 舞菇綠茶,20茶包,1、08盎司(30克)新竹巨城, 食物,百貨茶,草藥綠茶,茶包Mushroom Wisdom, 舞菇綠茶,20茶包,1、08盎司(30克)台茂, 食物,百貨茶,草藥綠茶,茶包Mushroom Wisdom, 舞菇綠茶,20茶包,1、08盎司(30克)宜蘭, 食品,百貨茶,草藥綠茶,茶包Mushroom Wisdom, 舞菇綠茶,20茶包,1、08盎司(30克)忠孝東路 

Green tea is the most popular traditional drink in Japan and is served at every Japanese meal. Today, science has found a powerful antioxidant property in green tea. It contains polyphenols, a form of bioflavonoids, which act as a strong antioxidant and help fight free-radicals. Such activities of green tea are more effective than those of vitamin E and C in preserving particularly healthy skin. Green tea normally contains about one-third the caffeine of black tea.

The secret of Japanese longevity must be related to Japan's cuisine and culture. Green tea and mushrooms play key roles in both. They are always served with meals, having been a part of Japan's daily life for centuries.

  • Japanese Tea Specialty
  • Premier Green Tea
  • (Matcha) and Maitake Mushroom
  • All Natural
  • Low Caffeine

立地購置 DHL 5天快遞到台灣

網形虎次郎 新光三越台北站前店幾份外送
三中路東京咖哩 大安店外送距離
新城街Right ice cream來特冰淇淋日本摒擋外送

Camellia Sinensis/>

Premier Green Tea (Matcha) and Maitake Mushroom

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若您第一次采辦Mushroom Wisdom, 舞菇綠茶,20茶包,1、08盎司(30克),建議可先旁觀以下購物講授,便可認識購物體例,另外保舉利用匯豐信譽卡刷卡付款,享有2.22%購物回饋,等同享有市價3折優惠外再打98折以上優惠,當即申辦享有優惠!


© 2016 Mushroom Wisdom, 舞菇綠茶,20茶包,1、08盎司(30克). All Rights Reserved.

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前陣子在網路購物時看到Mushroom Wisdom, 舞菇綠茶,20茶包,1、08盎司(30克)的商品,發現品質還不錯,很多口碑文章保舉,但食物,百貨茶,草藥綠茶,茶包:Mushroom Wisdom, 舞菇綠茶,20茶包,1、08盎司(30克)哪裡買比力划算呢?Mushroom Wisdom, 舞菇綠茶,20茶包,1、08盎司(30克)在PTT上面說下面這個網站廉價又快速,所以我都到這個網站購買Mushroom Wisdom, 舞菇綠茶,20茶包,1、08盎司(30克)了!

Maitake (pronounced "My-Tah-Key) is a giant legendary mushroom in Japan, called "The King of Mushrooms" for its exquisite taste and flavor. It has been prized in traditional Japanese herbology for hundreds of years. Maitake, literally meaning "Dancing Mushroom", was named thus because people who found this precious mushroom deep in the mountains would begin dancing with joy.

即刻購買 DHL 5天快遞到台灣

Mai Green Tea offers this healing power as a cup of delight.

    創作者 花蓮年菜預訂 的頭像


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